The REALTOR® community knows everyone deserves a safe and affordable place to call home. During the fourth annual REALTORS Care® Week, the REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington (RAHB) put this shared belief into action and brought local members together for a Build Day with Habitat for Humanity Hamilton.
“It is a great opportunity to give back, and especially now when we have such a dire need in housing in this particular area. We have a good group here today (Tuesday), we’re doing some painting and some floorwork, and we’re getting this house ready for the next family that’s ready to move in,” said REALTOR® Nancie Mleczko of Coldwell Banker Community Professionals in Hamilton.

Habitat Hamilton has partnered with CityHousing Hamilton, the city’s largest social housing provider, to repair affordable housing units. REALTORS® worked to repair two units so they could be brought back to the affordable rental market. Throughout the day, volunteers painted and helped install flooring.
“I decided to help out today because I know there are so many families in need of a warm, safe home,” explained REALTOR® Jenn Stoneman of RE/MAX Escarpment Frank Realty. “This was a great opportunity to give back and meet so many likeminded people. I think positivity is contagious and the more people we can get on board helping out, the better our community will be.”

In addition to their work during the Build Day, RAHB has made a donation that will go towards the construction costs of Habitat Hamilton’s next traditional build.
“We are going to provide affordable homeownership to five families in our community and the REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington’s funds will help us with the building costs associated with that project,” explained Kathryn Fair, Director of Affiliate Operations. “They have been such a strong supporter, and more than just money; their expertise, knowledge and enthusiasm to our mission and our cause has been wonderful for us over the years.”
These five families won’t just be given the homes. Habitat for Humanity’s development model includes a “sweat equity” component, meaning the families who will be moving into these homes must contribute 500 volunteer hours. They can do this on the construction site, or at the local Habitat ReStore. These hard-working beneficiaries, who otherwise would not be able to afford homeownership, are given interest-free mortgages that are tied to income.
While a great impact on its own, walking off the Habitat construction site won’t be the end of the REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington’s REALTORS Care® Week efforts.
Later in the week, 15 local REALTORS® will volunteer at the Good Shepherd Venture Centre Foodbank. The Venture Centre is modeled after a traditional grocery store, and offers Good Shepherd clients a dignified, efficient, and safe space where they can get the food and clothing they need. REALTORS® will be assisting with donation sorting, restocking shelves, and working the checkout.
Under the guidance of volunteering experts Realized Worth, RAHB took a transformative approach to their REALTORS Care® Week activities. This approach emphasizes the exploration and application of empathy and inclusivity to create more meaning and impact for volunteers.
“RAHB incorporated transformative volunteering into our 2022 REALTORS Care® Week programs, arranging for volunteer opportunities at both the Habitat Build Day as well as the Good Shepherd Food Bank. Supporting these important groups within the community reflect a continued relationship from 2021, and many of our volunteers were inspired to return for a second year,” shared Alex Hill, RAHB’s Education and Events Coordinator, and REALTORS Care® Week lead.
Throughout the year, RAHB continues to make an impact on vulnerable people in their areas. Each year, the association hosts a month-long walk-a-thon for Habitat for Humanity Canada, runs a holiday food drive, hosts a stop for the Ontario REALTORS Care® Foundation’s Motorcycle Ride, all while still making donations throughout the year to shelter-related community partners.